Pre-registration for an event

In 2025, all NOC organised events are 'pre-registration' only - it is no longer possible to just rock up on the day, register there and then, and expect there are enough maps / hire SI cards for all participants to join in.

Event registration opens at least twee weeks before an event is held.

For Wednesday events:

  • Pre-event newsletter is emailed out on the Friday before the Wednesday event;
  • On Sunday, there is a NOC Facebook page reminder;
  • Pre-registration closes the Monday before the Wednesday event, at 10.00pm.
  • On the event day, you can pick up your hired SI card (if applicable) at the Registration tent, before going to the Start

For events on Sunday:

  • Pre-event newsletter is emailed out on the Sunday a week before the event;
  • On Tuesday, there is a NOC Facebook page reminder;
  • Pre-registration closes the Wednesday before the Sunday event, at 10.00pm.
  • On the event day, you can pick up your hired SI card (if applicable) at the Registration tent, before going to the Start

Registering for an event

Registering for a Nelson Club Orienteering Event (= "buying tickets") can be a bit confusing - please read the following information carefully before buying tickets, to hopefully make the process as straightforward as possible.

The price of a "ticket" depends on:

  • whether or not the participant is a member of an orienteering club: this can be any orienteering club inside or outside of New Zealand;
  • whether the participant is a junior (in general under 21 years of age or over 21 but without any income) or a senior (in general 21 years old or above). More information about the pricing can be found here;
  • the type of event: in general a sprint event is cheaper than a forest or OY event simply because the cost to the club are lower;
  • whether or not a participant needs to hire a so-called SportIdent (SI) card. Hiring an SI card costs $3, for club members and non-club members alike. The SI card is necessary to register progress on the course, and to record the participants overall time. When participating as an individual you need to have an SI card (your own or a hired one). When participating in a group (or in a family situation where more than one family member do the course together), there needs to be at least one SI card per group;
  • whether or not a participant is a member of family, with 3 or more family members participating in the same event;
  • in principle, orienteering is an individual sport. However, sometimes people want to participate as a group. In this case:
    • all participants register individually, and every participant will receive a course map;
    • only one participant in the group needs to hire an SI card (or brings his/her own);
    • all group members register the same name for their group, so the timing team knows these participants will start and finish together, and run the course together. This option is often chosen by newcomers or participants practising for an adventure race, to upskill their navigation as a group. 

Once all relevant ticket types are chosen in the right quantity, please follow the prompts to complete the registration process. A confirmation email will be send to your email address. If you are 'stuck', please don't hesitate to email us at

Please find below additional information on the registration process, including examples.

One or more individuals

When one or more individuals register together on one ticket, each individual choses the ticket option suitable for his/her situation.

For example:

  • a 77 year old NOC club member with their own SI card chooses the option: Club member (Senior) - without SI card hire;
  • A 14 year old, completely new to orienteering, chooses the option: Non-club member (Junior) - SI card hire;
  • A NOC couple with each their own CI card chooses two times the option: Club member (Senior) - without SI card hire. When continuing the process, the details for each individual are asked, one after the other.


Family registration

When a family registers together on one ticket, it gets slightly more complicated.

For example:

  • A Marlborough club mum with three children (without any own SI cards), who will all be doing the course together, chooses: Club member (Family) - SI card hire and 3 * Additional family member (club members) - without SI card hire. This way, the system will generate one family fee and one $3 fee for the hire of one SI card.
  • The same mum from the example above, where all the participants would like to run an individual course chooses: Club member (Family) - SI card hire and 3* Additional family member (club members) - with SI card hire. This way the system will generate one family fee, and 4 * $3 fee for the hire of four SI cards in total.
  • A mum, dad and two children who are thinking about becoming club members, but haven't decided just yet, and own one SI card, where dad will walk together with the youngest child, and mum will run with the oldest child chooses: Non-club member (Family) - without SI card hire (for Dad)  + 1 * Additional family member (non-club members) - with SI card hire (Mum) and 2 * Additional family members (non-club members) - without SI card hire. This way, the family hires one more SI card and, in combination with the one they already own, each group of two will have their own unique SI card.

Group registration

When a group of individuals (not a family) would like to run 'as a group', please all register as individuals, and during the process, register each participant to the same group name. At least one of the group members needs to either have his/her own SI card, or needs to hire an SI card, for the whole group to use.

For example:

  • A team of four participants (all in their mid forties) training for the upcoming 'Spirited Women' Challenge likes to improve their navigation skills as a group. None of the women are a member of an orienteering club, and nobody owns an SI card. Three women choose the option 'Non-club member (Senior) - without SI card hire' and one chooses the option 'Non-club member (Senior) - with SI card hire'. Following the registration process, they all use the same name for their group when prompted to write this name